Genova, Palazzo Ex Borsa di Genova, 03 – 09 settembre 2011

Ente promotore: Ucina, Salone Nautico di Genova, Camera di Commercio di Genova
Curatore: Pier Federico Caliari con Carola Gentilini
In collaborazione con Dan Andresa, Marta Giangreco

Serveses: curatela della mostra, progettazione dell’allestimento, progetto grafico, montaggio video 



English text

For the Madonna del Ghisallo Cycling Museum, located in a place of great scenic beauty, it was drawn the exhibition design, the museological system, multimedia project and the design of the coordinated graphics.

The two main problems were:
– The lack of a reference curator and then of a museological project.
– The lack of a objects collection.

So it was necessary to take also the temporary direction of the Museum, and the museological curatorship to be able to articulate a credible narration, to choose a collection, and advance a structured museographical proposal.
The museum was then divided into five sections corresponding to major themes that characterize the history of sporty cycling, associated to the same number of formally autonomous exhibition islands. With the pressure of the inauguration date and in the absence of a physical collection, this allowed to proceed with fit out the set up and the main scenographiy. Practically it was necessary to do what it is normally doing at the contrary, from a set up architecture previously assumed but sufficiently open to contents that would come later. A considerable risk that we made and that we managed to keep under control thanks to a balanced relationship between graphic design and presentation of physical objects.
The project involved not only the exhibition spaces, but also the shopping and cafe area, library and conference room and a room for temporary exhibitions. Today the Museo del Ghisallo, ten years after its opening, is considered a benchmark for lovers of the history of the sporty “heroic” cycling